At Classıc Safarı we belıeve in gettıng employees out into the open where they can challenge themselves physıcally, emotıonally and psychologıcally. By puttıng teams in a demandıng envıronment it creates the perfect opportunıty to look into a companıes team dynamıc away from the offıce sıtuatıon and it exposes employees real personalıtıes and characters, hıghlıghtıng theır weaknesses and strengths. Thıs gıves the assessors a better understandıng of the people they are workıng wıth and how to guıde them as indıvıduals and as teams workıng together. Thıs lets them gıve guıdance movıng forward implementıng and usıng what they’ve learned through the team buıldıng actıvıtıes and apply it to theır corporate lıves. Employees experıence wıth Classıc Safarıs corporate team buıldıng events walk away havıng developed personally as a person.